Monday, August 3, 2009

He Have Show Me The True Path At 2008

You see, there is no need for me to have a resolution concerning earning more money or managing money better. When I die, I cannot take the money with me, but I will be with God forever and ever. My relationship with Him is far more important than money therefore. I could resolve to have better control of my time, but God controls my time. If I desire to spend that time in total devotion to Him, He will redeem the time concerning my personal issues.
My decision is so important to me, because I believe this time my desire for 2010 will materialize, simply because I have made a decision to put God first everyday that I am alive from this day on. Yes, God is extremely important to me everyday. However, I am sorry to say that I have not dedicated each day to Him totally as I should up till now. The pressures of life sometimes take priority, but I will make a decision now, to not allow that to happen anymore.
As of the year that past year 2008, my Lord will be put first in everything. I plan to reap the reward of seeking God and His righteousness first, everyday of my life. As God has promised, all things (that I need) will be added to me.
In essence, my desire is to worship God, and to spend much time in prayer and devotion to Him, and Him only. I choose to begin today.