Monday, November 2, 2009

Keluhan Sebagai Hamba

o..dunia... saya banyak sekali terseksa ketika hari yang telah sudah..setelah bapaku disurga memberi aku hadiah yang besar sekali ..saya menerima hati yang baru kehidupan yang baru malah kehidupan yang baik kehidupan yang indah sekali dan berani sungguh jika aku berpaling dari tuhan yesus dan bodoh sekali jika aku menyakiti hati nya..saya akan meyimpannya dalam hati dan terus bersinar..aku percaya segala apa yang aku perbuatkan ini bukanlah sia-sia..terima kasih tuhan kerna membuat aku hidup dalam rahmatmu..aku tahu aku tidak layak menerima apa-apa darimu namun oleh kerna kasih karuniamu besar sekali..saya mendapat menjalani kehidupan ini dengan baik..bukan kerna dariku namun segala-galanya darimu.......

Monday, August 3, 2009

He Have Show Me The True Path At 2008

You see, there is no need for me to have a resolution concerning earning more money or managing money better. When I die, I cannot take the money with me, but I will be with God forever and ever. My relationship with Him is far more important than money therefore. I could resolve to have better control of my time, but God controls my time. If I desire to spend that time in total devotion to Him, He will redeem the time concerning my personal issues.
My decision is so important to me, because I believe this time my desire for 2010 will materialize, simply because I have made a decision to put God first everyday that I am alive from this day on. Yes, God is extremely important to me everyday. However, I am sorry to say that I have not dedicated each day to Him totally as I should up till now. The pressures of life sometimes take priority, but I will make a decision now, to not allow that to happen anymore.
As of the year that past year 2008, my Lord will be put first in everything. I plan to reap the reward of seeking God and His righteousness first, everyday of my life. As God has promised, all things (that I need) will be added to me.
In essence, my desire is to worship God, and to spend much time in prayer and devotion to Him, and Him only. I choose to begin today.